
JBRF Launches New Educational Advocacy Program

"We've had many formal and informal meetings to discuss Fear of Harm and to add cooling procedures into our son's IEP and the teacher still says, "that's no excuse" when he tells her he's getting overheated!"

"It takes so many more meetings and conversations with the school to get people to not only acknowledge Fear of Harm but to learn to respond appropriately."


"I'm just learning how you must be with the school during the IEP development. We've lost months in this process."


These are just a few of the many comments parents share with us about their difficulties getting IEP and 504 plans developed and implemented for their children.


The simple and sad truth is that navigating the school system can often be difficult and overwhelming for parents. The process of developing IEPs and 504 plans, knowing what accommodations their children are entitled to, and ensuring those accommodations are implemented is an enormous task. Interacting with the school can feel like a full time job that you haven't been trained to do, and everything is riding on it going well.

Every Child Deserves Success

Every child deserves to have success in school. Special needs children, including those with mood disorders, bipolar disorder, and Fear of Harm, usually need special accommodations to create equitable access to both learning and to the learning environment. But when a disability is invisible it's a lot harder to get those needs met. Parents often find the process confusing, exhausting, and intimidating.

JBRF is Here to Help

JBRF's new educational advocacy program helps families navigate this long and complex process. From the time an IEP assessment is requested until it's finally implemented can take months and months, and then requires updates and reassessments every few years. Parents have to know how to make formal requests, which assessments to ask for, what the designations mean, and how to make sure the determinations turn into actionable accommodations for their children.


JBRF provides guidance and support to parents in a unique way. Unlike most advocacy services that provide educational resources to families, JBRF can offer expertise in both educational needs plus mental illnesses and their specific impact on kids.


Once families have signed up for our advocacy services they'll receive comprehensive supported educational advocacy services for one full year from an experienced educational advocate as well as from a mental health professional who is an expert in mood disorders, bipolar disorder, and Fear of Harm.

No One Has To Go It Alone

JBRF's advocates are committed to the idea that all children can and should get the services and accommodations they are entitled to under the law. They also have years of experience making sure this happens. Families shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel, nor should they have to choose between help from educational experts or mental health experts when advocating for their children. With JBRF's new program not only do parents not have to make that choice, but our advocates work together, hand-in-hand, to foster a smooth process, with as few surprises as possible and with many positive outcomes for your children.


If you or someone you know needs educational advocacy for grades K-12, please reach out to us at, or by clicking the button below. 


JBRF supports children and families suffering from bipolar disorder and

Fear of Harm through research, education, and outreach.

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